Kaytlin Bell - Trainer/Manger

Caitlin Cregg - Polo Trainer

Barbara Bell, Barn Owner

Harvey Bell, Maintenance Technician

Benjamin Garrett

Nellie Bell Seivers

Springele Stables was named in honor of Harvey’s mother, Nellie Bell, who was of German descent and made Springerle Cookies every Christmas. Making Springerles was an annual tradition in the Bell household that began the day after Thanksgiving. The dough was prepared, the cookies rolled, cut, rose and finally baked with the Springerle impression popping up and the scent of anise filling the house. In her 70’s Nellie moved from Indiana to New York to be with her son and his family and the tradition continued.
As interests blossomed Kaytlin and Barbara were spending time with their horses and Jerrad and Harvey enjoyed the outdoors so Harvey decided that the Bell family should put all of their passions together in one location and in 1999 purchased the Sennett property and the farm began. The family had been searching for an appropriate farm name but had not come up with anything they could all agree on until Nellie was making her Springerle Cookies that year and she mentioned that Springerle in the old German dialect means “little knight” or “jumping horse.” That was it and the name was agreed upon by all.
Since the farm’s completion in 2003 it has been a hands on family run operation with an emphasis on providing a safe and friendly environment for boarding, training and horse related activities. Our discipline and training is primarily hunters and jumpers but we also believe in the benefits of dressage for each horse and have the availability of a top dressage trainer at the farm. Barbara and Kaytlin are also longtime members of the Limestone Creek Hunt and welcome those that are interested in learning about or participating in traditional foxhunting. (LCH is a no-kill hunt and chases only).
We welcome new students and hope that you’ll consider Springerle Stables when looking for a training and boarding facility. Or, if you have an interest in horses just stop in to say hello.
- 1/2 teaspoon baker’s ammonia (Hartshorn) or baking powder
- 2 tablespoons milk
- 6 large eggs, room temperature
- 6 cups powdered sugar (1 1/2 #)
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened but not melted
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon of anise (if substituting fruit flavored oils, use 3 teaspoons)
- 2 lb. box sifted cake flour (Swansdown or Softasilk)
- grated rind of orange or lemon – optional (enhances flavor of the traditional anise or the citrus flavors)
- more flour as needed
Dissolve hartshorn in milk and set aside. Beat eggs till thick and lemon-colored (10-20 minutes). Slowly beat in the powdered sugar, then the softened butter. Add the hartshorn and milk, salt, preferred flavoring, and grated rind of lemon or orange, if desired. Gradually beat in as much flour as you can with the mixer, then stir in the remainder of the 2 lbs. of flour to make stiff dough. Turn onto floured surface and knead in enough flour to make a good print without sticking. Follow general directions for imprinting and drying cookies.
Bake on greased or baker’s parchment-lined cookie sheets at 255° to 325° till barely golden on the bottom, 10-15 minutes or more, depending on size of cookie.
Store in airtight containers or in zipper bags in the freezer. They keep for months, and improve with age. Yield 3 to 12 dozen